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Important Meeting actions and activities - 12/8/24

The Communication and Outreach committee is instituting a monthly email (or text if you let us know that is what you prefer) to bring to your awareness the most significant things which are happening with our Meeting. It will come to you shortly after each Meeting for Business each month. By the way, Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business typically happens at 9AM on the second Sunday of each month and is a way for all people who care about and attend our Meeting to share their wisdom on various decisions that we need to make each month.


Consensed decisions from this December’s Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business:


The Meeting extended the Memorandum of Understanding with Arm in Arm through 12-31-25 (with the option for either party to opt out with a 30-day notice).


All of the activities listed below are open to all of us who care about our Meeting.


Saturday, Dec. 14 Prayers for Peace at 10:15. This is led monthly by the Counsel, Ministry and Worship (CMW) Committee to remind us and the community of our Peace agenda. It is outdoors around our peace pole unless the weather takes us indoors into the worship area.


Sunday, Dec. 15 is Quarterly Meeting in Mount Holly. Some of our members and attenders will be in Mount Holly on Sunday morning; the rest of us will worship and then have social Sunday where we share food and ideas.


Saturday, Dec. 21 is our Free Sale on our front sidewalk from 11AM to 1PM. This is led monthly by Cathy Campbell of the Communication and Outreach Committee. This is a perfect opportunity to give away items that are cluttering up your life! If the items are small, you can bring them to the back bench in the worship area anytime in the week before the 21st. Items (large or small) can also be brought at 11 AM directly to the tables in front of the Meeting House. This particular Saturday Black Lives Matter will be doing their distribution in the afternoon.


Sunday, Dec. 22 will be the Meeting Holiday Party sponsored by the Counsel, Ministry and Worship Committee after worship. Please come even if you do not have food to share. Please let Joan Ordille know if you can attend at


Have a great Christmas!


During Patriots’ Week:


Saturday, Dec. 28 is a Walking Tour by Shan Holt and Mark McKithen at 1PM sponsored by the Patriots Week Committee. It is a walking history tour covering 8 blocks of colonial Trenton in 1775. (Our Meeting House was on the edge of these 8 blocks.) The tour starts and ends at our Meeting House. Snacks will be served afterward, so put any snack contributions you have in the downstairs kitchen any time after December 21. Please coordinate with Barbara Vadnais ( or Sandra Johnson ( if you can help with any of our Patriot Week’s events.


Sunday, Dec. 29 is the Peace and Social Concerns meeting after worship.


Monday, Dec. 30 at 2PM and Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 2:30PM are opportunities to hear Fred Millner’s talk entitled “Quakers! Choose a Side” about Quakers during the Revolutionary War, at the Meeting House and sponsored by the Patriots’ Week Committee. Snacks will be served afterward. 


Tuesday, Dec. 31 is the New Year’s Eve Peace Vigil at 4PM at the Meeting House followed at 5:45PM with a fellowship meal. There will be hoagies supplied by the Patriots Week Committee. Other contributions for the meal are welcome.


Tuesday, Jan. 7 is the Religious Education Committee meeting online at 6:30PM.


Friday, Jan. 10 is the Property and Funds Committee meeting at 4:30PM.


Sunday, Jan. 12 is the Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business at 9AM.


Every week, we have the following events:

Tuesdays is the Arm in Arm distribution of food.

Saturdays Charles Hardy teaches piano to children of the neighborhood.


Please let me know of any special information that you might have for next month’s Light Agenda.


Let us stay in the Light,


Cathy Campbell

Communication and Outreach Committee


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