Important Meeting actions and activities - 01/12/2025
The Communication and Outreach committee is instituting a monthly email (or text if you let us know that is what you prefer) to bring to your awareness the most significant things which are happening with our Meeting. It will come to you shortly after each Meeting for Business each month. By the way, Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business typically happens at 9AM on the second Sunday of each month and is a way for all people who care about and attend our Meeting to share their wisdom on various decisions that we need to make each month.
This is the second edition of The Light Agenda:
Consensed decisions from this January’s Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business:
Calendar dates were reserved for:
Quaker 101 class taught by Nikki: 2 Sundays, April 6 and 27 from 2 to 2:30 PM (especially appropriate for recent new attenders), to be held online.
Spring Festival for families and children: Saturday May 31.
All of the activities listed below are open to all of us who care about our Meeting.
In the next week, the January meeting of Property and Funds will be rescheduled.
Saturday, Jan. 18 is our Free Sale on our front sidewalk from 11AM to 1PM. This is led monthly by Cathy Campbell of the Communication and Outreach Committee. This is a perfect opportunity to give away items that are cluttering up your life! If the items are small, you can bring them to the back bench in the worship area anytime in the week before the 18st. Items (large or small) can also be brought at 11 AM directly to the tables in front of the Meeting House.
Sunday, Jan. 19 is Social Sunday. Many of us bring food items to share in a meal. Please feel welcomed to stay and share food and conversation, whether you are able to bring something to share or not.
Sunday, Jan. 19 through 22 will be the period of time when the Communication and Outreach will send out a summary of the “What is a Trenton Quaker” experience that we had last June 9th. Cathy Campbell will email all of our active attenders and members a different question each night giving the June 9th’s group’s responses. It is hoped that you will put a check next to those responses which currently speak to you and will add any response which further expresses your sense of being a Trenton Quaker, and then email it back to be anonymously tabulated. In this way, we hope to come up with a sense of what it means to be a Trenton Quaker and this can start us on a journey toward clarifying who we are to others who might find an affinity with us. This is just a beginning, but it could be an important beginning. You will receive a tabulation of the responses at the end of the week. We are doing this next email step so that everyone can participate, even if they were unable to attend last June.
Monday, Jan. 20 is a meeting of the Community Investment Committee at 6:30 PM in person at the Meeting House.
Saturday, Jan. 25 is the Black Lives Matter food preparation and distribution.
Sunday, Jan. 26 is the Peace and Social Concerns Committee meeting after worship.
Monday, Jan. 27 is the Communication and Outreach Committee meeting at 6 PM online.
Tuesday, Feb. 4 is the Religious Education Committee meeting at 4:30 PM online.
Friday, Feb. 7 is the February meeting of Property and Funds at 4:30 PM.
Saturday, Feb. 8 is Prayers for Peace at 10:15. This is led monthly by the Counsel, Ministry and Worship (CMW) Committee to remind us and the community of our Peace agenda. It will be indoors in February and there will be the option to join by zoom using
Sunday, Feb. 9 is the Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business at 9 AM (and possibly continuing after worship).
Every week, we have the following events:
Tuesdays is the Arm in Arm distribution of food.
Saturdays Charles Hardy teaches piano to children of the neighborhood.
Please let me know of any special information that you might have for next month’s Summary.
Let us stay in the Light,
Cathy Campbell
Communication and Outreach Committee